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Separating your finances

Separation ImageGoing through a separation is extremely difficult. There are so many things to organise and sort out and that’s all on top of the emotional side of things.

Whilst chatting to a mortgage professional is probably not high on your “to-do” list during this time, it can be a critical step in achieving your goals going forward.

Here are a few ways we can help.

We can determine your borrowing capacity

It’s good to be clear about how you would like joint assets to be separated, but you need to make sure you can service the new loan(s) going forward.

We can perform the calculations to help determine what is and isn’t possible. Your family law solicitor can then prepare a BFA/Consent Order, knowing it’s achievable from a financial perspective.

We’re part of the team and will liaise closely with your family law solicitor

The majority of clients come to us once they already have a draft BFA/Consent Order in place. They’re clear what they want and just need someone to help them achieve it financially.

We will work closely with you and your family solicitor.  We’ll ensure everyone is kept in the loop so that things run smoothly and on time.

We have your best interests at heart

Our aim is to provide the best service possible so that hopefully it never crosses your mind to seek assistance from someone else. We want to be here to assist you for the life of the loan – and beyond (if you’ll let us!)

Since we work with lots of different lenders, we can help you select the loan (and structure) that will help you achieve your longer term objectives.

Want to start saving money for some travel? No worries.

Want to start looking at purchasing an investment property? No worries.

Whatever it is you want to achieve over the next few years financially, we can structure your home loans in such a way to help you get there. We’ll also make sure that your new loan suits the way YOU like to manage your money.

We work quickly

We understand it’s important to get everything done quickly so you can move on. Due to our expertise and industry experience, we have “priority status” with many of the major lenders, meaning your application is likely to be assessed and approved faster.

We will provide additional support & knowledge

We have more than 16 years experience helping people improve their financial lives by correctly structuring their home loans.

It’s not our job to just find you a home loan.  It’s our job to share our knowledge with you and help you structure your home loans correctly so you can set yourself up for a better financial future.


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